
Bientôt, les publications du projet seront disponibles ici.

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    The measurement properties of Aggregated Relational Data and NSUM-estimated network size Lubbers, M. J., Bojanowski, M., Targarona Rifà, N., Ciordia, A. (2025). .
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    Social Networks and Institutional Trust in Economic Downturns Lubbers, M. J. (2025). .
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    Towards a Unified Conceptualization of Social Capital Erices, P., Lubbers, M. J., adams, j. (2025). .
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    Social exchange and interracial solidarity: What interdependence structures of adolescent networks can lead to the diversity of adulthood networks? Lee, Y. (2024). Conference presentation. Annual Conference of the International Network of Analytical Sociology, Universität Leipzig, 30-31 May.
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    Analyzing the Efficacy of Modeling Adjustments in Network Scale-Up Method for Degree Estimation Bojanowski, M. (2024). Conference presentation. PAN-Metrics Seminar on Novel Measurement Problems in Social Sciences: Response Styles, Careless Responding, Measurement Invariance, Log-Data, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 15-17 May.
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    Network modeling for empirically-oriented ABMs Bojanowski, M. (2024). Conference presentation. Hybrid workshop on “Agent-based models of social networks”, Department of Social & Political Sciences, University of Milan, April 21-22.
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    ABMs and societal networks Lubbers, M. J. (2024). Conference presentation. Hybrid workshop on “Agent-based models of social networks”, Department of Social & Political Sciences, University of Milan, 21-22 April.
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    An agent-based modeling approach to measuring centrality: how to identify the influential nodes within context-specific network Lee, Y. (2024). Conference presentation. Hybrid workshop on “Agent-based models of social networks”, Department of Social & Political Sciences, University of Milan, April 21-22.
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    Categorisation and boundary work: Exploring the potential of visual tools in mixed method social network analysis Targarona Rifà, N. (2024). Invited Seminar. GRAFO Seminario, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 21 February.
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    Cultural Opinion Dynamics in Small-World Social Networks Lee, Y. (2024). .
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    A network science approach to social cohesion Lubbers, M. J. (2023). Invited seminar (14/09). Center for Demographic Studies, Barcelona, Spain.
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    Automated Name Selection for the Network Scale-Up Method Fenoy, A., Bojanowski, M., Lubbers, M. J. (2023). .
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    Inter-ethnic relations in personal networks: Shifting the lens toward the majority population Targarona Rifà, N., Lubbers, M. J., Ciordia, A. (2023). Conference presentation (07/09). EUSN 2023 - The 7th European Conference on Social Networks, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
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    An agent-based modeling approach to social cohesion Van Herwijnen, N. (2023). Conference presentation (05/09). EUSN 2023 - The 7th European Conference on Social Networks, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
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    Connecting Overlapping Dunbar Circles: Estimating ERGMs Using Data from Name-Generators and Network Scale-Up Method Bojanowski, M., Lubbers, M. J. (2023). Conference presentation. Annual Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (Sunbelt) (30/06), Portland, US.
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    Kula Ring Distance: A Node-level Measure of Structural Cohesion Lee, Y. (2023). Conference presentation. Annual Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (Sunbelt) (30/06), Portland, US.
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    A handful of friends or a hundred acquaintances? Bojanowski, M. (2023). Keynote speech (03/05). ARS'23 Ninth International Workshop on Social Network Analysis, Ischia, Italy.
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    Social networks shape support for economic redistribution Lubbers, M. J. (2023). Invited Seminar (09/03). Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST), Paris, France.
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    Mapping broader acquaintanceship networks Lubbers, M. J. (2023). Invited Seminar (07/03). Manchester Social Statistics Seminar, Manchester University, Manchester, UK.
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    The invisible threads: Estimating social cohesion based on broad acquaintanceship networks Lubbers, M. J. (2023). Invited Seminar (30/05). General Seminar of the Institute of Advanced Studies (IAST), Toulouse, France.
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    Small Talk vs Big Talk: An Agent-Based Model of Interactional Ritual Chains instead of Social Influence Lee, Y. (2023). Conference presentation (09/06). 15th Annual Conference of the International Network of Analytical Sociology (INAS 2023), Princeton, USA, Princeton, USA.
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    Mechanisms of network inequality Lubbers, M. J. (2023). Invited Seminar (29/06). Department of Sociology, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
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    Simulating society-wide networks based on NSUM Lubbers, M. J., Bojanowski, M. (2023). Invited Seminar (08/05). POPNET CONNECTS Seminar Series (online and in person), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
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    The Network Scale-Up Method: Validity and Reliability Lubbers, M. J., Bojanowski, M. (2023). Conference presentation (12/07). 10th European Congress of Methodology [EAM 2023], Ghent, Belgium.
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    Social cohesion: A network perspective Lubbers, M. J. (2023). Keynote speech (02/03). POLNET Winter School: Advanced Social Network Analysis, UPF, Barcelona, Spain.
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    Automated Name Selection for the Network Scale-up Method Bojanowski, M., Fenoy, A., Lubbers, M. J. (2023). Conference presentation (02/05). ARS'23 Ninth International Workshop on Social Network Analysis , Ischia, Italy.
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    Kula-Ring Distance: A Node-level Measure of Structural Cohesion Lee, Y., Van Herwijnen, N., Lubbers, M. J. (2023). Conference presentation (18/08). 118th Americal Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA.
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    An agent-based modeling approach to social cohesion Van Herwijnen, N. (2023). Seminar (03/10). ESLS NASP Colloquium, Milan, Italy.
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    Mapping personal networks Lubbers, M. J. (2023). Invited Seminar (25/05). Seminar "Social infrastructure under pressure: Mapping spaces and social networks in times of stress", London Metropolitan University, London, UK (online and in person).
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    Social cohesion: A network perspective Lubbers, M. J. (2023). Annual ICS Lecture (21/07). Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
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    A network science approach to social cohesion Lubbers, M. J. (2022). Invited Seminar (08/09). Thematic Einstein Semester (TES) on “The Mathematics of Complex Social Systems: Past, Present, and Future”, Cluster of Excellence MATH+, Zuse Institut, Berlin, Germany.
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    Investigating the cohesion of society-wide networks Lubbers, M. J. (2022). Invited Seminar (07/09). Social Network Lab seminar series, Zürich International Network Group (ZING), ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland.
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    Birds of a feather could do better: The societal consequences of homophily Lubbers, M. J. (2022). Keynote speech (08/07). Symposium “Similarity, Selection and Influence: A cross-disciplinary symposium on homophily in social networks.” The Patio and the Center for Digital , Groningen, The Netherlands.
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    La función de las redes de conocidos en la cohesión social Lubbers, M. J. (2022). Invited Seminar (18/03). Seminario del Máster en Sociología Aplicada, Málaga, Spain.
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    The invisible threads: A network approach to social cohesion Lubbers, M. J. (2022). Keynote speech (05/07). BIGSSS Computational Social Science Summer School on Social Cohesion, Jacobs University Bremen & the University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands.