The measurement properties of Aggregated Relational Data and NSUM-estimated network sizeLubbers, M. J., Bojanowski, M., Targarona Rifà, N., Ciordia, A.(2025). Sociological Methodology (Accepted).DOI
Social Networks and Institutional Trust in Economic DownturnsLubbers, M. J.(2025). European Sociological Review (Accepted).
Towards a Unified Conceptualization of Social CapitalErices, P., Lubbers, M. J., adams, j.(2025). Annual Review of Sociology (Accepted), 51.Preprint
Social exchange and interracial solidarity: What interdependence structures of adolescent networks can lead to the diversity of adulthood networks?Lee, Y.(2024). Conference presentation. Annual Conference of the International Network of Analytical Sociology, Universität Leipzig, 30-31 May.
Analyzing the Efficacy of Modeling Adjustments in Network Scale-Up Method for Degree EstimationBojanowski, M.(2024). Conference presentation. PAN-Metrics Seminar on Novel Measurement Problems in Social Sciences: Response Styles, Careless Responding, Measurement Invariance, Log-Data, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 15-17 May.
Network modeling for empirically-oriented ABMsBojanowski, M.(2024). Conference presentation. Hybrid workshop on “Agent-based models of social networks”, Department of Social & Political Sciences, University of Milan, April 21-22.
ABMs and societal networksLubbers, M. J.(2024). Conference presentation. Hybrid workshop on “Agent-based models of social networks”, Department of Social & Political Sciences, University of Milan, 21-22 April.
An agent-based modeling approach to measuring centrality: how to identify the influential nodes within context-specific networkLee, Y.(2024). Conference presentation. Hybrid workshop on “Agent-based models of social networks”, Department of Social & Political Sciences, University of Milan, April 21-22.
Categorisation and boundary work: Exploring the potential of visual tools in mixed method social network analysisTargarona Rifà, N.(2024). Invited Seminar. GRAFO Seminario, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 21 February.
Cultural Opinion Dynamics in Small-World Social NetworksLee, Y.(2024). Journal of Mathematical Sociology.DOI
A network science approach to social cohesionLubbers, M. J.(2023). Invited seminar (14/09). Center for Demographic Studies, Barcelona, Spain. URL
Automated Name Selection for the Network Scale-Up MethodFenoy, A., Bojanowski, M., Lubbers, M. J.(2023). Field Methods.Preprint / DOI
Inter-ethnic relations in personal networks: Shifting the lens toward the majority populationTargarona Rifà, N., Lubbers, M. J., Ciordia, A.(2023). Conference presentation (07/09). EUSN 2023 - The 7th European Conference on Social Networks, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
An agent-based modeling approach to social cohesionVan Herwijnen, N.(2023). Conference presentation (05/09). EUSN 2023 - The 7th European Conference on Social Networks, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Connecting Overlapping Dunbar Circles: Estimating ERGMs Using Data from Name-Generators and Network Scale-Up MethodBojanowski, M., Lubbers, M. J.(2023). Conference presentation. Annual Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (Sunbelt) (30/06), Portland, US.
Kula Ring Distance: A Node-level Measure of Structural CohesionLee, Y.(2023). Conference presentation. Annual Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (Sunbelt) (30/06), Portland, US.
A handful of friends or a hundred acquaintances?Bojanowski, M.(2023). Keynote speech (03/05). ARS'23 Ninth International Workshop on Social Network Analysis, Ischia, Italy.
Social networks shape support for economic redistributionLubbers, M. J.(2023). Invited Seminar (09/03). Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST), Paris, France.
Mapping broader acquaintanceship networksLubbers, M. J.(2023). Invited Seminar (07/03). Manchester Social Statistics Seminar, Manchester University, Manchester, UK.
The invisible threads: Estimating social cohesion based on broad acquaintanceship networksLubbers, M. J.(2023). Invited Seminar (30/05). General Seminar of the Institute of Advanced Studies (IAST), Toulouse, France.
Small Talk vs Big Talk: An Agent-Based Model of Interactional Ritual Chains instead of Social InfluenceLee, Y.(2023). Conference presentation (09/06). 15th Annual Conference of the International Network of Analytical Sociology (INAS 2023), Princeton, USA, Princeton, USA.
Mechanisms of network inequalityLubbers, M. J.(2023). Invited Seminar (29/06). Department of Sociology, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Simulating society-wide networks based on NSUMLubbers, M. J., Bojanowski, M.(2023). Invited Seminar (08/05). POPNET CONNECTS Seminar Series (online and in person), Amsterdam, The Netherlands. URL
The Network Scale-Up Method: Validity and ReliabilityLubbers, M. J., Bojanowski, M.(2023). Conference presentation (12/07). 10th European Congress of Methodology [EAM 2023], Ghent, Belgium.
Social cohesion: A network perspectiveLubbers, M. J.(2023). Keynote speech (02/03). POLNET Winter School: Advanced Social Network Analysis, UPF, Barcelona, Spain.
Automated Name Selection for the Network Scale-up MethodBojanowski, M., Fenoy, A., Lubbers, M. J.(2023). Conference presentation (02/05). ARS'23 Ninth International Workshop on Social Network Analysis , Ischia, Italy.
Kula-Ring Distance: A Node-level Measure of Structural CohesionLee, Y., Van Herwijnen, N., Lubbers, M. J.(2023). Conference presentation (18/08). 118th Americal Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA. URL
An agent-based modeling approach to social cohesionVan Herwijnen, N.(2023). Seminar (03/10). ESLS NASP Colloquium, Milan, Italy.
Mapping personal networksLubbers, M. J.(2023). Invited Seminar (25/05). Seminar "Social infrastructure under pressure: Mapping spaces and social networks in times of stress", London Metropolitan University, London, UK (online and in person).
Social cohesion: A network perspectiveLubbers, M. J.(2023). Annual ICS Lecture (21/07). Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
A network science approach to social cohesionLubbers, M. J.(2022). Invited Seminar (08/09). Thematic Einstein Semester (TES) on “The Mathematics of Complex Social Systems: Past, Present, and Future”, Cluster of Excellence MATH+, Zuse Institut, Berlin, Germany.
Investigating the cohesion of society-wide networksLubbers, M. J.(2022). Invited Seminar (07/09). Social Network Lab seminar series, Zürich International Network Group (ZING), ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland.
Birds of a feather could do better: The societal consequences of homophily Lubbers, M. J.(2022). Keynote speech (08/07). Symposium “Similarity, Selection and Influence: A cross-disciplinary symposium on homophily in social networks.” The Patio and the Center for Digital , Groningen, The Netherlands.
La función de las redes de conocidos en la cohesión socialLubbers, M. J.(2022). Invited Seminar (18/03). Seminario del Máster en Sociología Aplicada, Málaga, Spain.
The invisible threads: A network approach to social cohesionLubbers, M. J.(2022). Keynote speech (05/07). BIGSSS Computational Social Science Summer School on Social Cohesion, Jacobs University Bremen & the University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands.